Renewable energies

Management solutions for renewable energy systems: how operators are optimising the energy transition

Renewable energy providers on a par with power stations

Whether it’s funding for electric cars, charging points, fuel cells or subsidised loans for renewable energies: the energy transition is becoming a reality. Operators of renewable energy systems are responsible for the lion’s share of this development, because photovoltaic or wind power systems don’t come factory fitted with solutions for the smooth, plannable and secure feed-in of electricity into centrally organised grids.

Economic and regulatory criteria for critical infrastructure, i.e. in terms of revenue and operating safety, create requirements that are sometimes contradictory. However, there are specialised solutions for optimising the operation, monitoring and maintenance of renewable energy systems.

Critical infrastructure suitable routers from INSYS icom offer EEG plant operators optimal solution options for securing yield and operational reliability.

The task: reconciling security of supply with economic efficiency

Even a superficial look at renewable energy sources reveals the challenge. Power generation depends on weather conditions: wind turbines stand still without wind – just as they do when there is too much wind. And without sunlight photovoltaic plants feed in little or no electricity.

Unfavourable initial situations make it necessary to manage renewable energy systems on a larger scale – otherwise their load and feed-in can’t be brought into a relationship where security of supply is achieved.

Unexpected breakdowns don’t make matters any easier – in addition they negatively affect the profitability model on which operators base their calculations. Such breakdowns include not only technical defects but also plant security and even cyber-crime. Controllable critical infrastructure systems also urgently need certifable security solutions.

The solution: reliable data communication solutions specific to renewable energies

With almost 30 years of experience in the field of innovative data communication, INSYS icom supports numerous operators of energy plants with its expertise and customised solutions “Made in Germany”. The industry-specific design of solution scenarios based on our own hardware and software, VPN security solutions – including for use in critical infrastructure environments – and the integration of an own or standardised monitoring, operating or management software create optimal all-in-one solutions for operators of renewable energy systems.

The solution: reliable hardware, secure data communication and operation, and interlinking of control systems

INSYS icom makes your renewable energy systems remotely maintainable with model security solutions, offers suitable routers for all application scenarios and enables the operation of individual or standardised software and control systems – on site or remotely.

Routers for energy producers

Different router models can be used, depending on the power supply, Internet access options and the necessary external interfaces to your installations.

  • Routers for a wide range of application scenarios in the critical infrastructure sector
  • Flexible connection paths via DSL, 4G/5G or fibre (optionally also redundant)
  • For challenging operating conditions: connection of redundant power supply right up to low-power operating modes, e.g. using a solar panel with buffer battery

VPN security solution

A range of VPN options offer maximum security for critical infrastructures, ensuring that all necessary requirements are met effectively and reliably as part of your overall solution.

  • The icom Connectivity Suite with flexible, advanced VPN services and a variety of functions for remote access and router management
  • Diverse operating models deliver VPN as a complete service
  • Managed services model does not require specific IT skills
  • Compatibility with existing VPN services

Data management model

The implementation of a renewable energy data management solution is based on the following assumptions:

  • Monitoring, alerting and remote maintenance without programming work via the icom Data Suite; incl. interface management, status handling and data exchange services
  • Running of individual software in a secure Linux container environment for the implementation of special functionalities
  • Connection of user-defined remote services for the bidirectional exchange of status and control data without the need for additional software.

Device management model

Manage and operate communication devices and configurations globally

  • Secure rollout concepts as well as automated management of many devices in the field
  • Easy updates of firmware and containers for flexible edge computing
  • Updates of certificates and configurations for optimal operation over the lifetime with security updates

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