Condition monitoring

Condition monitoring – how you benefit

Full control

Condition monitoring creates transparency, because when your data is displayed you always know what is happening in your operating processes and can intervene immediately.

Time is money

Condition monitoring reduces the time between the occurrence and elimination of a fault, e.g. by enabling the optimisation of your stock of spare parts.

A whole (machine) life long

Condition monitoring prevents machine downtimes, extends service life and ensures an optimal value-added flow in the production process.

Condition monitoring – takes the pulse of your machines

Condition monitoring

Would you like to be permanently informed about the “state of health” of your machines? Detect damage at an early stage? Or be alerted immediately by SMS or email in the event of an acute emergency in your production operations? Then a fitness tracker for your plant is the perfect solution. In an industrial environment an automated remote monitoring system serves a number of purposes.

Learn more

Whether it’s cooling equipment, a construction crane or a wind turbine: condition monitoring enables you to monitor and control plant and machinery conveniently from your desk. The basis for this is the acquisition and evaluation of the relevant data on an IoT gateway (edge computing) or in Cloud, ERP, MES or SCADA systems. In this way you optimise your processes and actively save money!

At a glance

  • View information about your production facilities at any time

  • Easy monitoring of defined threshold values

  • Automatic alerting/notification of changes in process flows/condition

  • Effectively improve production and installations using your collected data

If the conditions and values of machines and systems are monitored over several weeks, months or years, potential damage can be detected and its causes traced on the basis of this lead time. This is because not only the current technical condition of the machines is taken into account, but also the history of its use or operating loads in the past. This also extends the service life of a machine. Take product development as an example: the collection of data enables design errors to be identified which can later be corrected in further product versions.

With the knowledge gained from data analysis you can take appropriate measures before the worst happens and therefore prevent unpleasant consequences. If a machine nevertheless shows a malfunction, internal maintenance staff or external service technicians are alerted and can immediately respond with the right spare parts or repair tools. In this way you as a maintenance service provider meet the upcoming requirements of digitalisation!

Data analysis generates profits

Data analysis

Build the predictive maintenance approach into existing maintenance contracts, create the basis for continuous improvement and generate completely new business models.

  • Pay-per-use models
  • Leasing models with availability guarantee
  • Product optimisation through data analysis

Predictive maintenance pays off

Have you ever thought about modern IoT concepts such as preventive maintenance? Regularly required maintenance measures, personnel deployment and spare parts procurement can be planned cost-effectively and in good time. This planning reduces, for example, the time between machine downtime and restart. It is also possible to forecast when specific parts have to be replaced, which optimises your stock of spare parts. Components can often be replaced even during operation, so that the availability of the machines continues to be guaranteed.

Facts and figures

  • Up to 95% reduction of on-site service calls for soft failures
  • Up to 50% of cost reduction for hard failures
  • 100% customer satisfaction thanks to accurate & trouble-free operation

How and where is condition monitoring used in practice?

Would you like more information about our condition monitoring solution?

Three basic components for system monitoring

Your control systems, actuators & sensors

For measuring the relevant operating parameters

– Temperature
– Pressure
– Humidity
– and much, much more

Routers & IoT gateways

For secure remote maintenance access and data transmission

– Encrypted remote access
– Protocol-independent data acquisition
– Transparent data transmission
– Distributed machine access

Edge Software

For monitoring and alerting

– App directly on the IoT-Gateway
– Reliable monitoring of values
– Immediate alarms
– Event-controlled actions
– Display for analysis purposes

To condition monitoring in 4 easy steps

We will show you how the products and services of INSYS icom send your machine and system data securely to a cloud environment.

four easy steps

Initial situation You have a control system to which various sensors are connected whose values you want to monitor. You also want to access the control system remotely.

Step 1: Wire the PLC outputs to the inputs of the router or IoT Gateway and then connect the power supply.

Step 2: To establish a secure connection between IP networks, you need a virtual private network (VPN). Integrate your devices into an already existing VPN structure or use the INSYS icom solution, the icom Connectivity Suite – VPN.

Step 3: Configure the router via a web browser.

Step 4: Configure the edge software from INSYS icom: the icom Data Suite. It is responsible for protocol conversion, monitoring, alerting, and the cloud connection.

Mission accomplished: from now on you will be automatically informed about a specific status or a status change. In addition, you can view the displayed data on a dashboard or execute control commands.

Retrofitting – full control of existing systems

Even if your machines and systems are already getting on in years, the step towards the Internet of Things (IoT) is still possible. This is because the INSYS icom industrial routers and IoT gateways support a large number of serial interfaces and protocols from different manufacturers – even for older devices. Thanks to their local intelligence, they can convert protocols if required and thus act as “translators”. An overview of the supported protocols:

  • Siemens S5/S7
  • Modbus TCP/RTU
  • OPC UA
  • Codesys
  • IEC60870 101/104
  • MQTT

The protocol conversion on the industrial routers and IoT gateways themselves means that you don’t have to extend the communication paths with another hardware component or take existing machines out of service. This saves you costly upgrades, new purchases of modern equipment and the dismantling and disposal of existing machines.

Equip your machines with devices from INSYS icom during retrofitting of brownfield equipment and enter the industrial IoT in a convenient and resource-saving way.

The ecosystem from INSYS icom for your condition monitoring!

The INSYS icom devices are flexible, safe and reliable. They ensure smooth data communication among machines and systems.

  • A wide range of routing and network functions
  • Hardened, powerful firmware
  • Security updates at regular intervals
  • Highly available WAN connections (redundancy)

Use the icom Connectivity Suite – VPN to establish an encrypted connection among the router, PC and other devices in your network, and implement intelligent remote maintenance.

  • Intuitive, web-based operation
  • Automatic configuration and certificate handling
  • Device, group and connection management
  • Two-factor authentication
  • China VPN
  • Web proxy

With icom Router Management you can operate, manage and maintain your INSYS icom routers and gateways in a time- and cost-saving way.

  • Configure routers by mass rollout
  • Monitor the status and condition of devices
  • Update certificates and firmware
  • Optimise device registration
  • Avoid possible manual errors
  • ISO 27001 certified cloud environment

With the icom Data Suite your router becomes a protocol converter, data logger and IoT gateway. This opens up completely new possibilities for service and business models.

  • Collects and processes machine data
  • Converts a variety of industry protocols
  • Connects to SCADA, MES or multi-clouds
  • Monitors thresholds or logs data
  • Alerts by SMS, email or MQTT
  • Processes data directly on the device
  • Transfers data to cloud systems

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