Router & Gateways

With INSYS routers you can network your applications quickly and securely!

Our hardware impresses with quality “Made in Germany”, high security standards and absolute usability. The INSYS products are ideally suited as a gateway for industrial data communication and flexibly round off your individual ecosystem.

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Our routers by series

Our routers by connection

Get more out of your router

With our services and applications, you can supplement your hardware according to your requirements
and turn your Industrial router into an intelligent IoT gateway.

Der INSYS icom VPN-Service ermöglicht weltweiten sicheren Zugriff auf Ihre Router und bietet so die Basis für sichere Fernwartung Ihrer Anlagen.
Connect your systems securely and reliably
Mit der icom Connectivity Suite M2M SIM ermöglichen Sie eine sichere und bezahlbare Verbindung Ihrer Devices über Mobilfunk.
M2M SIM-Service
Best possible availability in M2M and IoT applications!
Mit dem icom Router Management
Router Management
Central device and configuration management
icom Data Suite
Turn your router into a protocol converter, data logger or IoT gateway
High-quality antennas for a reliable radio connection.
Power Supplies
Reliable power supplies for a stable power supply

Our operating system icom OS

Secure and stable with icom OS: The hardened Linux operating system of our routers offers functions for high IT security and redundancy capabilities.