New service models

Industry 4.0: service and business model expansion thanks to the IIoT

An effective way to ensure better products, lower costs and valuable services with a minimum of effort

Whether it’s machine tools, machinery, industrial facilities or large installations: ideally, they should all “learn to talk”. What is meant by this is the ability to make all relevant equipment internet-capable in the context of Industry 4.0 – including a data security concept. Not only data, but data communication and the resulting possibilities in terms of functions, service and business models are the new gold – and this is the case in very many industries.

INSYS icom networks machines and plants on the Internet and thus creates new service and business models.

The task: intelligent machines and highly efficient services

In the past industrial equipment, machinery, turbines or large plants were bought, put into operation and then serviced at intervals and according to requirements. By current standards this already sounds antiquated. Today many machines or plants are no longer just bought, but rented or leased as part of allround service models.

Even the commissioning needs to be carried out precisely and reliably, and appropriate services should be included: real-time monitoring has to maximise availability and operational reliability. Remote maintenance and needs-based technician deployment, including predictive maintenance, deliver competitive and efficiency advantages. Encryption, location independence and simple handling as well as the “zero touch” rollout of new equipment and retrofitting need to be taken into account – you don’t need IT or IoT specialists for this. In addition the technology should be scalable across quantities, variants and locations, and data encryption has to be part of a comprehensive IT security concept.

The solution: demand-oriented and modular routing solutions

Whether it’s an IP connection, PLC, modbus or copper wire: every piece of equipment and every installation with an electronic control system can be made internet-capable via standard interfaces or with little additional effort: every machine and every installation needs appropriate routers for this purpose, which offer suitable features and match the relevant products or applications and can grow with them. This is referred to as the bridge between IT and operational technology (OT), and it is precisely this bridge that makes it possible to implement monitoring, remote maintenance and remote control while using cloud and edge computing for these purposes.

The solution: conception and rollout planning, selection of solution elements

After creating a concept for your IIoT applications based on the environment and the existing potentials, the next step is to select suitable router models and services for implementation.

Professional conception, including rollout planning

As data communication experts with more than 25 years of experience and of providing personal, well-founded advice, we support you in the optimal design of the digital transformation of your solutions and services.

  • An ecosystem consisting of various, highly flexible hardware routers, router management and software platform with options for VPN solutions as well as edge and cloud computing use
  • Variable connections via DSL, WAN, fibre or mobile radio for data communication, including our own SIM service for Europe-wide data communication
  • Use of many standard solutions or competent implementation of specific requirements; in-house or via solution partners
  • The principle of “configuration instead of programming” for set-up
  • Competent planning for integration into production processes or rollout for existing systems

Choice of hardware routers and services

Coordinated hardware and software allow the design of almost unlimited application models. Flexibly select interfaces, communication paths, a software platform, encryption solutions and router management.

  • Portfolio of router models with various interfaces and performance scopes; also with autonomous power supply
  • Connection via DSL, WAN, 4G/5G or fibre (optionally redundant)
  • SIM service for flexible data communication via mobile networks for IoT and M2M applications including management solutions
  • The icom Data Suite for interface handling, status handling and data exchange services to implement sophisticated control and monitoring use cases without programming input
  • Running of individual software in a secure Linux container environment (Edge Computing)
  • VPN solutions offer secure data communication, on premises or as a complete service
  • icom Router Management (iRM) for automated, efficient management of your hardware

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