AnyViz – The cloud for your INSYS router

AnyViz – AnyViz – The cloud for your INSYS router

  • Real-time visualization of process data
  • Record machine and operating data
  • Targeted condition monitoring
  • Remote access to local Visu / HMI
  • Automated reports
  • Free VPN solution
  • Support of many protocols
    OPC-UA, Modbus, Siemens, M-Bus, Bacnet, CODESYS, MQTT

For a wide range of applications

Users of the AnyViz Cloud come from a wide variety of areas in the automation industry. Thanks to its flexible use, AnyViz also offers the perfect solution for you.

Energy Management

Capture of energy data and generation of reports according to ISO 50001

Building management

Central management of one or more buildings

Water / Wastewater

Remote monitoring of wastewater treatment plans, wells or measuring stations

Mechanical engineering

New business models through expanded services

Energy producers

CHP, biogas plant, solar energy – the energy mix is decentralised

And many more

Flexible capture and processing of industrial data in the cloud

With INSYS and AnyViz into the Cloud

With just a few clicks, the INSYS icom router is ready for AnyViz. The installation is done via the INSYS icomOS web interface. Afterwards, all data can be collected via different industrial protocols, such as OPC UA, Modbus, etc. and synchronized with the cloud.

Without any complex programming, the IIoT Cloud application is created in the AnyViz portal. The available data can be recorded and conveniently visualized in different views via drag & drop. And best of all: The evaluation is completely free of charge.

Contact AnyViz

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You would like to learn more about this application? A business case in this or a similar form also fits your company? Feel free to contact us and our experts will get back to you as soon as possible.