From the sensor to the ALSO IoT cloud

Get more from your data – with the Industrial IoT Kit!

The idea that an IoT project can be implemented quickly is often wishful thinking: after all, Rome wasn’t built in a day. The fact is that an IoT project has to take different processes into account, and many individual components need to be linked together. Storing and evaluating the data obtained in this way in a secure, central location is not something to be taken for granted. For many businesses the subject of digitalisation can therefore be a hot potato. At the same time, the many possibilities that can be realised by means of an IoT project and the growing pressure to reduce costs through innovation and optimisation are increasingly providing companies with an incentive to do so. However, deciding how and when to start the process isn’t easy.

For all those who are faced with this dilemma and are looking for a simple, quick but also secure solution, INSYS icom and ALSO offer a unique and exclusive product: the Industrial IoT Kit.

An exclusive offer for you from INSYS icom and ALSO

The Industrial IoT Kit from INSYS icom enables you to test quickly and without risk how to network your plant and machinery, and to have all the relevant data available centrally in an IoT platform by ALSO. The starter package contains an industrial router from INSYS icom with extensive application software and a temperature sensor, which you can use to simulate an IoT application. The cloud solution already implemented here is the ALSO IoT Platform. It is perfectly suited for business applications and is preconfigured in the router. This allows you to start immediately and to display and evaluate the data from your installations in the ALSO IoT Platform.

You can use your Industrial IoT Kit to test how you can connect your sensors, actuators or controllers (PLCs) via Modbus (or other supported industrial protocols such as Siemens S7, Codesys, OPC UA), and add them as assets to the ALSO IoT Platform. In addition to data acquisition and cloud visualisation, it is also possible to maintain your systems remotely, process your data yourself locally using edge computing, and evaluate it on site.

This means that nothing stands in the way of your next industrial IoT best practice!

Benefits of the Industrial IoT Kit from INSYS icom

So far and yet so near!

Whether it’s a solar panel, construction site traffic lights or cogeneration plant: with this solution you can access, control and monitor your installations and machinery from anywhere in the world.

Time is money!

The system automatically sounds an alarm in the event of a fault, allowing you to respond quickly. Thanks to remote maintenance, long downtimes and expensive service deployments on site are a thing of the past.

The key to success:

the Industrial IoT Kit enables you to collect and evaluate all relevant data to optimise your processes, carry out predictive maintenance and increase efficiency.

Last but not least:

from the very first service deployment which is saved the Remote Maintenance 4.0 solution has already paid for itself!

Learn more about how Remote Maintenance 4.0 opens up new opportunities for you. The experts from ALSO and INSYS icom will be happy to advise you!

Benefits of the ALSO IoT Platform

  • IoT platform built for small and medium-sized business
  • Designed for interoperability – extensive API set
  • Programmatic approach to cybersecurity
  • Fast onboarding and enablement
  • Comprehensive support
  • Brilliant UX design, in-built visualisation and notifications
  • Strong developer community

The platform enables the complete device management, data aggregation and process automation to be controlled and monitored.

Order your Industrial IoT Kit from ALSO now, or request a personal consultation. Not an ALSO customer yet? No problem. We are happy to assist you.

Easy to implement – immediately ready for operation

Industrial IoT Kit – unpack it, connect it and get started

More detailled information is provided in the data sheet.

Operational start-up

You can put the Industrial IoT Kit into operation in a few easy steps. Simply follow the instructions here:

Do you require further detailed information? We will be happy to consult you in an individual appointment or connect you to ALSO.

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+49 941 58692-444

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