#Smartsubstation #Energytransition #Networking
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#Smartsubstation #Energytransition #Networking
„INSYS icom offers exactly what we need to implement our digitalisation strategy – continuous further development of the systems and tools. For us, this means technical updates and IT security for years to come. The edge capability enables us to realise additional applications on the routers after the roll-out. Investment security is also provided by the modular hardware concept, which enables new communication technologies to be retrofitted in the field, for example.“
Wolfgang Zeitler
Head of Architecture & Development at Bayernwerk Netz GmbH, E.ON Group
E.ON Energie Deutschland GmbH is one of Germany’s leading energy companies and the parent company of E.ON Vertriebs in Germany. E.ON supplies electricity and natural gas at fair prices – with excellent customer service. With energy solutions for photovoltaics and energy storage, heat pumps, electromobility, energy checks and efficiency measures, E.ON ensures an increasingly decentralised, ecological and digital energy world.
The energy transition is currently in full swing and is being driven forward. Digitalisation is essential here, because only with the use of digital control systems can sustainably generated energy be used optimally and fluctuations in consumption and generation be better buffered.
Digital substations are an important solution component for better control of the distribution network – a level at which there is often still no real-time data available. The requirements for networking these stations are diverse: IT security, optimised roll-out, various communication media, complex data routing and diverse redundancy. Added to this is edge computing, the processing and analysis of the collected data.
Why is this so important? Any investment in the grid infrastructure must be rolled out efficiently and quickly on the one hand, and optimised and operated securely in the long term on the other. What is actually needed is nothing less than a nationally distributed communication network for energy data that can be upgraded with new functions centrally and automatically.
E.ON is using the modular industrial router MRX from INSYS icom in a redundant combination of DSL or LTE, including the new LTE450 technology for critical infrastructures, as the communication element in this promising project. The routers, individualised by means of a digitalised production chain, enable E.ON to achieve maximum efficiency and IT security during rollout and asset management by using icom Router Management.
With INSYS icom, E.ON has a reliable partner to fulfil the requirements. Wolfgang Zeitler, Head of Architecture & Development at Bayernwerk Netz GmbH, appreciates the broad product portfolio that enables digital networks.
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