Monitoring and Remote Support for Rain Spillway Basins

Configuring fault indicating router instead of programming

“The big advantage of the Monitoring App of INSYS icom is the ready tested app that is only configured knowing the own application – and this without programming knowledge!”

Gerhard Maier
Technical Manager

Wasserwirtschafts- und Betriebsgesellschaft Grafenwöhr (WBG)

Benefits for Wasserwirtschafts- und Betriebsgesellschaft Grafenwöhr

  • Cost-efficient fault indicating technology

  • App can be configured easily using a browser

  • Configuration can be adpated by the customer himself

  • Configuring instead of programming

Combined system sewers that direct sewage and storm water to the waste water treatment plant in one duct reach their limits quickly during heavy rain.
The KRITIS sector study “Nutrition and Water” of the BSI (German Federal Office for Information Security) rates the water-level control process such that “waste water will be diverted untreated” in case of its failure. *

Stormwater overflow basins within the sewers protect waste water treatment plant and ecosystem by buffering water mass and pumping it back to the sewer controlled after the rain has ended. Therefore, IT security is very important when updating the data processing technology.

* Source:KRITIS sector study nutrition and water, public version, revision date 05.02.2015, p. 78
